La historia del surf a través de Tres60

The book “The History of Surfing through Tres60” reflects the identity of what surfing has meant, both in Spain and globally, as it has affected Tres60 magazine in its 35 years of existence. Through the history, its protagonists, the image and advertising, stories, surf trips, the technologies of the moment, the world surf, the evolution of photography, the closest collaborators, art, comics, fashion, news…

Big wave Basque Country

Project of edition of the book “Big Wave Basque Country” about the big wave surfing scene in Euskadi, a discipline booming worldwide that has taken a special relevance in the Basque Coast. The main objective of this book is to reflect the identity of big wave surfing in the Basque Country, through its history, its waves, its protagonists, and the industry created around it.

Surf to live – Live to surf

The history of the best and most famous wave in Europe, is closely linked to the arrival of foreign surfers to Mundaka, some of whom stayed to live forever. This is the case of Craig Sage, Australian surfer based in the fishing village since the early eighties.

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